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Local resources

Mexico offers a strong support for international businesses for trade, the most important government and syndicate organizations are the following:

ANIERM Asociación Nacional de Importadores y Exportadores de la República Mexicana

(National Association of Importers and Exporters of the Mexican Republic).



The National Association of importers and exporters of the Mexican Republic is a nonprofit civil association that was created on May 19 1944 due to the need to support the companies in the foreign trade operations. We are focused on promoting the development and strengthening of the bilateral relations between Mexico and business partners around the world, reaffirming the link between the productive sector and government.

ANTAD Asociación Nacional de Tiendas de Autoservicio y Departamentales (National Association of Self-service and Departament Stores)



Monica Leñero

  • Promote competitiveness and regulatory improvement before the federal public administration, eliminating non-tariff barriers to make imports more efficient (import standards, foreign trade rules, estimated prices, automatic notices, etc.).

  • Standardize the regulations applicable to traditional and electronic commerce.

  • Identify and avoid the approval of Initiatives of law that generate tariff and non-tariff barriers to the importation of products.

COMCE Consejo Empresarial Mexicano de Comercio Exterior, Inversión y Tecnología (Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade, Investment and Technology)



“Your best ally in International businesses to take to the world the best of Mexico and to bring to Mexico the best of the world”.

COMCE offers a Service Catalog of 22 services for International commerce including: Foreign Trade Advisory, Bilateral trade information, Advice for the Registry of Importers and Advice on Legal Affairs of Foreign Trade

SNICE Servicio Nacional de Información de Comercio Exterior (National Foreign Trade Information Service)



It is the only consultation portal of the Government of the Republic, which provides in an orderly, systematized manner and in an easy language the information required by a user in order to participate in foreign trade.

CONCAMIN Confederación de Cámaras Industriales de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Confederation of Industrial Chambers of the United Mexican States)



Find out regional and national associations of different industries to start a conversation. For example, the National Chamber of the Bakery and Similar Industry of Mexico among many others.

PROSEC Programas de Promoción Sectorial (Sector Promotion Programs)




The Sectorial Promotion Programs (PROSEC) are an instrument aimed at legal entities that produce certain merchandise, through which they are allowed to import various goods with a preferential ad-valorem tariff (General Import Tax). If you export in any of the industries listed there, you and your Mexican counterpart can be eligible for a reduced tariff.

CAAAAREM Confederación de Asociaciones de Agentes Aduanales de la República Mexicana (Confederation of Associations of Customs Agents of the Mexican Republic)



The customs agent is a private initiative professional who legally represents importers and exporters before the customs authority to clear goods.

In short, it is a facilitator that helps companies prevent errors, reduce time and costs in their operations through a group of professionals specialized in foreign trade, which is finally called the Customs Agency. In this directory you will find all the legal professionals to ease the process of exporting.

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