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Export-ready Incubator 2022

Meet the 2022 Founders!

Meet the 2022 Founders!

What's the Export-ready Incubator?

The Export-ready Incubator is a free program which assists owners of new and early stage businesses to access workshops, business coaching, networks and support and knowledge to get ready to grow your business internationally. 

The Incubator enables the development of global mindset, skills and capabilities to improve chances of commercial success. Participants learn the elements of export including business models, market selection, compliance and regulation etc to ensure Founders have planned for overseas business expansion.

The Incubator is supported by City of Ballarat, and CommerceBallarat and hosted by Federation University at the Greenhill Enterprise Centre, Mt Helen Campus, Ballarat.

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Neurobota is a series of original robotic toys produced with advanced laser 3D printing technology.

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Firefenda is the portable bushfire sprinkler system designed to help defend your property against the threat of bushfires and ember attack.

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Quant Property Solutions sells software to banks which assists them ti choose the best agent when selling foreclosed property.

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Tell Touch is advanced technology for aged care providers to receive feedback about their care and services from consumers and their families.


Hidden Lanes are slow travel self guided tours featuring quirky cafes, hidden laneways, historical sites, art studios / galleries and will feature storytelling videos, photographs and audio stories to deepen the experience.

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Progeny Stores supports families and businesses towards a safe, healthier and environmentally sustainable choice of personal care, hygiene and incontinence solutions.

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Naturally goat manufactures all-natural skincare and cleaning products for people who care about the health of their bodies and their environment.

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The Snake Hunter will export high quality venom for research and medical use as well as train snake catchers globally.

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HorseRecords promotes ethical ownership and clarity of care for your horses which protects your investment while being conveniently located in your pocket - so you can get back to riding the horse you love.

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All Essential Oils hand selects the purest and most authentic, therapeutic grade essential oils ethically and sustainably sourced from Australia and around the world. All loves to help our clients understand our products and use them in the best possible way.

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Trial Supplies provides access to safe and efficient spraying equipment for the agricultural research industry

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Zea is a family-owned Australian health and wellness company founded on a love for Kunzea and inspired by the infinite wisdom of nature.

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Observer businesses

Observer businesses are those which are not part of the full suite of program elements but are invited to attend workshop days, webinars and other events. Observer businesses do not receive business coaching.

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KickStart Allied Health is a mobile Allied Health Services providing home-based therapy to NDIS and private clients in North East Victoria.

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Sport4 supports grassroots sport by recording for coaching and live streaming more efficiently and at a lower cost through the use of Australian made AI unmanned camera technology.

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Every day inclusion inspires businesses, organisations and institutions to make inclusion possible for everyone.


What participants said about the 2021 Incubator

Jason and Melissa Jones
Bat Rollers Australia
We've just bought a business and don't have a business background. We've learned everything from contracts to building your business to exporting.
We've met some wonderful people and have some great resources that we'll be able to tap into.
We appreciate being part of this program.
Dmitri Dollard
Solution Aid International
The program taught me not only how to run my social enterprise but how to make it sustainable and ready for exporting its services.
Joey Hidalgo
This was a very enlightening program. There were so many gems about export and business and markets.
I highly recommend going into this program.
Corinna Preston
No Fight Tights
The program has been fabulous for me. I've learned so much about what's important for my own business and where I want to export to into the future.
Working with other business owners has added to my knowledge.
Jen Paynter
108 Yoga Road
I learned about export markets, IP and protecting my brand and original designs.
The workshops were fantastic to learn what's required to work at a global level and it's been great to meet other new and established business owners.
Leo Fan
This Incubator gave me the confidence to talk to potential funders and helped me identify my markets. Importantly, the program showed me what actions to take to export.

For questions regarding the Export-ready Incubator, please contact:

Lynda Ford

+61 (0) 414 440 483

About Us


Enterprising Partnerships Pty Ltd was founded on the belief that everyone deserves a like-minded community to inspire, guide and support them on their own individual quest. to business ownership and self-employment. We are here to do just that.


Connect with us to learn how we can help you start, develop and grow your business.

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Enterprising Partnerships operates on Boon Wurrung and Woiwurrung country. We acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation as the traditional custodians of the Melbourne region and pay our respects to elders past and present and future leaders.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the original practitioners of innovation and business in this nation and we have much to learn from their past practices and vision for Australia's future.

We are committed to contributing to a positive future for Australia's Indigenous communities.

Copyright Enterprising Partnerships 2022
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